Trace gases, urban fossil fuel emissions, and air quality in Utah
Publications arising from this research:
Pataki, D.E., J.R. Ehleringer, L.B. Flanagan, D. Yakir, D.R. Bowling, C.J. Still, N. Buchmann, J.O. Kaplan, and J.A. Berry. 2003. The application and interpretation of Keeling plots in terrestrial carbon cycle research. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17: 1022, doi:10.1029/2001GB001850.
Pataki, D.E., D.R. Bowling, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2003. Seasonal cycle of carbon dioxide and its isotopic composition in an urban atmosphere: anthropogenic and biogenic effects. Journal of Geophysical Research 108: NO. D23, 4735, doi:10.1029/2003JD003865.
Pataki, D.E., D.R. Bowling, J.R. Ehleringer, and J.M. Zobitz. 2006. High resolution atmospheric monitoring of urban carbon dioxide sources. Geophysical Research Letters 33, L03813, doi:10.1029/2005GL024822
Pataki, D.E, T. Xu, Y.Q. Luo, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2007. Inferring ecosystem carbon cycling from the urban CO2 dome. Oecologia 152:307-322. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-006-0656-0
Bush, S.E., D.E. Pataki, and .R. Ehleringer. 2007. Sources of variation in d13C of fossil fuel emissions in Salt Lake City, USA. Applied Geochemistry, 22:715-723. DOI:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2006.11.001.
Strong, C., C. Swertka, D.R. Bowling, B.B. Stevens, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2011. Urban carbon dioxide cycles within the Salt Lake Valley: a multiple box model validated by observations. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 116:D15307, doi:10.1029/2011JD015693.
Bush, S.E., F.M. Hopkins, J.T. Randerson, C.T. Lai, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2015. Design and application of a mobile ground-based observatory for continuous measurements of atmospheric trace-gas and criteria pollutant species. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 8:33-63. doi:10.5194/amtd-8-33-2015.
Gorski, G., C. Strong, S.P. Good, R. Bares, J.R. Ehleringer, and G.J. Bowen. 2015. Vapor hydrogen and oxygen isotopes reflect water of combustion in the urban atmosphere. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 112:3247-3252. Doi:10.1073/pnas.1424728112.
Hopkins, F.M., J.R. Ehleringer, S.E. Bush, R.M. Duren. C.E. Miller, C.-T. Lai, Y.-K. Hsu, V. Carranza, and J.T. Randerson. 2016. Mitigation of methane emissions in cities: how new measurements and partnerships can contribute to emissions reductions strategies. Earth Futures DOI 10.1002/2016EF000381.
Mitchell, L.E., J.C. Lin, D.R. Bowling, D.E. Pataki, C. Strong, A.J. Schauer, R. Bares, S.E. Bush, B.B. Stephens, D. Mendoza, D. Mallia, L. Holland, K.R. Gurney, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2018. Long-term urban carbon dioxide observations reveal spatial and temporal dynamics related to urban characteristics and growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 115:2912-2917. DOI:10.1073/pnas.1702393115.
Fiorella, R.P., R. Barnes, J.C. Lin, J.R. Ehleringer, and G.J. Bowen. 2018. Detection and variability of combustion-derived vapor in an urban basin. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18:8529-8547. Doi:10.5194/acp=18-8529-2018.
Mitchell, L.E., E.T. Crossman, A.A. Jacques, B. Fasoli, L. Leclair-Marzolf, J. Horel, D.R. Bowling, J.R. Ehleringer, and J.C. Lin. 2018. Monitoring of greenhouse gases and pollutants across an urban area using a light rail public transit platform. Atmospheric Environment 187:9-23. Doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.044.
Lin, J., L. Mitchell, E. Crossman, D. Mendoza, M. Buchert, R. Bares, B. Fasoli, D. Bowling, D. Pataki, D. Catherine, C. Strong, K. Gurney, R. Patarasuk, M. Baasandorj, A. Jacques, S. Hoch, J. Horel, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2018. CO2 and carbon emissions from cities: linkages to air quality, socioeconomic activity and stakeholders in the Salt Lake City urban area. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17.0037.1.
Bares, R., L. Mitchell, B. Fasoli, D. Catherine, M. Garcia, B. Eng, J.R. Ehleringer, and J. Lin. 2019. The Utah carbon dioxide network (UUCON) and Uintah Basin greenhouse networks: instrumentation, data, and measurement uncertainty. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 11:1291-1308. DOI 10.5194/essd-11-1291-2019.